Config Package

A config package allows the application author to write logic that gets executed by KubeDirector for certain lifecycle events.

The supported lifecycle events are currently:

  • configure
  • addnodes
  • delnodes

Explore an existing config package

To learn about config package, let's explore an application that has defaultConfigPackage defined.

Open the file: deploy/example_catalog/cr-app-kafka55.json inside this file we see:

{ ...
"defaultImageRepoTag": "bluedata/bluedata/kafka:1.0",
"defaultConfigPackage": {
"packageURL": "file:///opt/configscripts/appconfig.tgz"

So the appconfig is embedded in the image in /opt/configscripts/.

Let's explore that. We can see the image tag is bluedata/kafka:1.0 - download it to your local environment:

docker pull bluedata/kafka:1.0 # This will take a while as it is several GB!!

Now start the container and login:

$ docker run --rm -it bluedata/kafka:1.0 /bin/bash
[root@a6658abcf6f3 /]# cd /root
[root@a6658abcf6f3 ~]# tar xvzf /opt/configscripts/appconfig.tgz

The file appconfig/startscript looks interesting - let's take a closer look.

The startscript begins with:

#!/bin/env bash
### Error for wrong option handled ###
if [[ "$1" == "--addnodes" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--delnodes" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--configure" ]]; then
echo "Valid values. So execute the later code"
echo "ERROR: Unknown command line option(s): '$@'"
exit 10

startscript is a bash shell script. When a bash shell script is executed command line arguments are passed to the script are passed in the variables $1, $2, etc.

This script is executed by KubeDirector. It is executed for events in a KubeDirector virtual cluster lifecycle, e.g.

  • At launch time all pods get startscript --configure event
  • During expansion:
    • existing pods get startscript --addnodes
    • new pods get startscript --configure
  • For shrinking, all nodes get startscript --delnodes

Create a basic config package

In this section we modify the centos application to log the action inside the container.

previously based on ubuntu

This section initially was based on the ubuntu image, but it appears that image doesn't support appconfig at the moment. See here for more info.

In a terminal, change into the deploy/example_catalog directory:

cd deploy/example_catalog

Create the directories mycentos and mycentos/appconfig:

mkdir -p mycentos/appconfig

Inside the appconfig directory, create a new file named startscript with the contents:

#!/bin/env bash
### Error for wrong option handled ###
if [[ "$1" == "--addnodes" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--delnodes" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--configure" ]]; then
echo "Valid values. So execute the later code"
echo "ERROR: Unknown command line option(s): '$@'"
exit 10
echo "Starting configuration with option '$1' on node"

In the directory /deploy/example_catalog/mycentos, create a tar file with the appconfig:

chmod +x appconfig/startscript
tar cvzf appconfig.tgz appconfig/

Create or update the Dockerfile in the mycentos directory so that it now contains:

FROM bluedata/centos7:4.1
RUN ! test -d /opt/configscripts || mkdir /opt/configscripts/
COPY appconfig.tgz /opt/configscripts/

Run a local registry

Check local docker registry is running:

docker ps -f name=registry:2

If it is not running, start it with:

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

Build and Push image

In the terminal, change to the mycentos folder and build your custom image and push it to the local registry:

docker build --tag mycentos:1.0 .
docker tag mycentos:1.0 localhost:5000/mycentos:1.0

Next we push the image to our local registry:

docker push localhost:5000/mycentos:1.0

Update the KD app image

Ensure defaultConfigPackage in the file deploy/example_catalog/cr-app-centos7.json is set to:

"defaultConfigPackage": {
"packageURL": "file:///opt/configscripts/appconfig.tgz"

and defaultImageRepoTag is:

"defaultImageRepoTag": "localhost:5000/mycentos:1.0"

Deploy the KD app image

First ensure you aren't still running an Ubuntu KD clusters from the previous tutorial.

kubectl delete ubuntu18.04-persistent

Next undeploy the existing Centos 7 KD application image definition:

kubectl delete centos7x

Deploy the new Centos KD application with your changes:

kubectl apply -f cr-app-centos7.json

Check the deployment was successful:

kubectl get

You can see my image has only just been deployed:

tensorflow-gpu-jupyter 18h
training-engine 18h
centos7x 5s

Deploy the KD Cluster

First modify ../../example_clusters/cr-cluster-centos7.yaml - set memory attributes to 1Gi.

Next we can deploy the KD Cluster:

kubectl apply -f ../../example_clusters/cr-cluster-centos7.yaml
kubectl describe centos7

You may need to run the above command several times until the Cluster is stable:

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Cluster 31s kubedirector new
Normal Role 31s kubedirector creating role{vanilla_centos}
Normal Role 31s kubedirector changing replicas count for role{vanilla_centos}: 0 -> 1
Normal Role 31s (x3 over 31s) kubedirector waiting for replicas count for role{vanilla_centos}: 0 -> 1
Normal Member 1s kubedirector initial config skipped for member{kdss-4p8kt-0} in role{vanilla_centos}
Normal Role 1s kubedirector notify skipped for members in role{vanilla_centos}
Normal Cluster 1s kubedirector stable

You should see a new pod:

$ kubectl get pods
kdss-kzbwq-0 1/1 Running 0 105s
kubedirector-7f9d95c9d5-wjm2j 1/1 Running 0 47h
$ kubectl exec -it kdss-kzbwq-0 -- /bin/bash
[root@kdss-kzbwq-0 /]# ls /opt/

Wait a few seconds and try ls /opt again - keep trying until you see a guestconfig folder:

[root@kdss-kzbwq-0 /]# ls /opt/
configscripts guestconfig
[root@kdss-kzbwq-0 /]# ls /opt/guestconfig/
appconfig/ configure.status configure.stderr configure.stdout

If we cat configure.stdout we should see the output from our startscript:

[root@kdss-kzbwq-0 /]# cat /opt/guestconfig/configure.stdout
Valid values. So execute the later code
Starting configuration with option '--configure' on node


Exercise 1

Add a node to the cluster by increasing members from 1 to 2 in the file cr-cluster-centos7.yaml.

Apply the changes with kubectl apply -f ../../example_clusters/ and use kubectl describe ... to wait for the changes to finish.

What do you see in the /opt/guestconfig/configure.stdout for both pods?

Exercise 2

The KD App Role definition has an attribute eventList.

Delete your KD cluster and modify the eventList in deploy/example_catalog/cr-app-centos7.json so that your application reacts only to configure and delnodes.

Delete and apply the KD application definition for the centos7 app and create a new centos cluster with one member and then increase to two members. Observe the events that are reported in /opt/guestconfig/configure.stdout.
